Varying the space and scale


The above example used the [4:3] Balzano space.  As you will now understand, this space favors chords that have either 4 or 3 or 4+3=7 semitones distances between them.  These lead to quite common chords, like major and minor ones.  Its sound we would describe as ‘classic’.


You can influence the type of chords that are selected by the gemoetric chord fitting algorithm by changing the space. For instance, try the same procedure above using the spaces [2:5] or [2:7].  This will select another kind of chords, favoring distances of 2, 5 and 7 semitones. These chords sound darker and are more interesting for certain kinds of electronic music.


Another way of influencing chord selection is to change the scale. For instance, try the blues scale and the 5-note scales (pentatonic scales). By lowering the number of allowed notes in a scale, the chord fitting algorithm has to adapt to that.





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