Automatically fit chords to scale/key


Quick Start Scenario 4 : Automatically Fit Chords to Scale/Key


A fourth, newer feature of tonespace's allows you to generate chords that automatically fit the currently chosen scale/key. This function does not rely on the geometry of the space, but rather selects the best possible chord that fits for each root note that you play.


Try the following steps:


set space to Octaves [1:12]

set labels to Note name/scale degree

set key to C

set scale to Major

set ch filter to Triads

set voicing to Root position (closed)

set trigger to Mouse triggers clicked cell

set on click to Trigger cell

set assist to Fit chord to scale (best)

now click on the following cells:  C4/I - D4/II - E4/III - F4/IV - G4/V - A4/VI - B4/VII

while clicking/hovering watch how the chord changes automatically from cell to cell

now set assist to Fit chord to scale (cycle)

click each cell again, but each one multiple times now

you should hear alternate candidate chords being played when repeatedly clicking the same cell, starting from common chords to more exotic ones

now set assist to Fit chord to scale (rand)

click each cell again repeatedly

you should hear alternate candidate chords being played in a random order




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